In adults with major depression, antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide


Douglas Badenoch explores a meta-analysis of follow-up data from clinical trials of antidepressants, which found a small but significant increase in suicide risk.

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The science of suicide prevention: Innovative technologies and ethical implications #IASP2019

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Tiago Zortea and Karen Wetherall help us prepare for the 30th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention #IASP2019, which is taking place in Derry this week. This blog summarises what we know about the potential for digital technologies (smartphones, machine learning and virtual reality) to help improve suicide prevention.

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Life after leaving hospital: when does a duty of care end?


Sally McManus writes her debut elf blog on a recent national cohort study of multiple adverse outcomes following first discharge from psychiatric care, which finds that mental health inpatients are more likely to experience all types of adversity after leaving hospital.

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Intranasal esketamine for treatment-resistant depression: the first clinical study


Jodi Rintelman writes her debut elf blog on the first randomised controlled trial on the efficacy and safety of intranasal esketamine as an adjunctive treatment to antidepressants for treatment-resistant depression.

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Mental health and suicide risk in LGBTQ students: What are the associated factors?


Sarah Carr writes an important blog for #PrideMonth that looks at general and LGBTQ-specific factors associated with mental health and suicide risk among LGBTQ students.

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Risk factors for suicide in people with bipolar disorder


Dafni Katsampa explores a recent prospective cohort study of risk factors for suicide in bipolar disorder, which finds significant variation in risk factors in men and women.

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Serious about suicide prevention? Invest in primary care #SuicidePreventionPC


André Tomlin summarises a new report out today by Centre for Mental Health and Samaritans: “Strengthening the frontline: Investing in primary care for effective suicide prevention”.

Follow the discussions on Twitter using the #SuicidePreventionPC hashtag.

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How should we assess suicide risk in mental health services, or should we stop doing it?

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Vishal Bhavsar reports on the development and validation of a new clinical prediction rule (the OxMIS tool), which has been developed by the Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology group at the University of Oxford to help predict the risk of suicide in people with severe mental illness.

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Suicide risk assessment among psychiatric inpatients: pessimism around predictive power

Glass half empty

Alex Langford appraises a systematic review that looks at high-risk categories for suicide risk assessment among psychiatric inpatients.

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Self-harm in older adults: a forgotten group?


Karen Birnie, Haridha Pandian and Derek Tracy summarise a recent systematic review in the British Journal of Psychiatry on self-harm in older adults.

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