Suicide awareness materials: do they help people with suicidal ideation?


Edel Ennis writes her debut blog and reviews an online RCT on the effects of suicide awareness materials on individuals with recent suicidal ideation or attempt. Do stories of hope and recovery help protect people from suicide?

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The role of paramedics in suicide prevention: links between sleep, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts


Kirsten Russell and Susan Rasmussen summarise a recent cohort study on self-reported sleep disturbance in ambulance attendances for suicidal ideation and attempted suicide, which suggests a possible role for paramedics in suicide prevention.

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Lay people intervening and preventing suicide in a public place: how is it done and is it effective?


Dafni Katsampa and Ioana Crivatu explore a qualitative paper. which gives accounts from both survivors and interveners of a suicide attempt in a public place.

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Universal Credit increases mental health problems, but not employment


Alan Simpson summarises a recent longitudinal study that explores the impact that UK welfare reform, specifically Universal Credit, has had on the mental health of people across England, Scotland and Wales.

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#chatsafe: helping young people communicate safely online about suicide


In her debut blog, Zoë Catchpole summarises a recent qualitative paper about the Australian #chatsafe project, which outlines how young people were involved in the development of an online campaign to support conversations about suicide.

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Psychological resilience to suicidal thoughts and behaviours in people with schizophrenia


Emily Hielscher reviews a recent qualitative study that examines factors that contribute to psychological resilience to suicidal thoughts and behaviours in people with schizophrenia or psychosis.

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Moral injury: the overlooked stressor of the NHS


Heather McClelland summarises a recent BMJ article by Prof Neil Greenberg and colleagues, which looks to prevent moral injury and promote psychological growth in NHS staff working through the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Digital technology and youth mental health: recommendations from the Royal College of Psychiatrists


Sarah Hetrick summarises a recent report from the Royal College of Psychiatrists which explores the impact of technology use on the mental health of young people.

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Media reporting of suicide loss: learning from family and friends who have been bereaved by suicide


Hannah Scott writes her debut blog on a recent qualitative study which looks at the experiences of people bereaved by suicide regarding media reporting of the death.

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Suicide clusters in young people: definition, epidemiology and prevention


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a recent literature review, which explores suicide clusters in young people (aged 25 or younger).

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