Lucinda Powell explores a recent systematic review and meta-analysis which finds that problematic smartphone use in young people is associated with poorer mental health.
[read the full story...]Universal interventions to prevent mental illness in medical students
Tayla McCloud summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of universal programmes for the prevention of suicidal ideation, behaviour and mental ill health in medical students.
[read the full story...]Is air pollution associated with poor mental health?
Ioannis Bakolis summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis exploring the association between air pollution exposure and the risk of mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety and suicide.
[read the full story...]Language matters: how should we talk about suicide?
In her debut blog, Charlotte Huggett summarises a recent online survey which explored views on the language we should use to discuss suicide. The study concludes that the most acceptable phrases are currently: “attempted suicide”, “took their own life”, “died by suicide” and “ended their life”.
[read the full story...]Risk and protective factors for childhood suicide: thoughts, plans and behaviours
In her debut blog, Ellen Townsend summarises a cohort study that explores the risk and protective factors for childhood suicidal thoughts and behaviours.
[read the full story...]Suicide awareness materials: do they help people with suicidal ideation?
Edel Ennis writes her debut blog and reviews an online RCT on the effects of suicide awareness materials on individuals with recent suicidal ideation or attempt. Do stories of hope and recovery help protect people from suicide?
[read the full story...]The role of paramedics in suicide prevention: links between sleep, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts
Kirsten Russell and Susan Rasmussen summarise a recent cohort study on self-reported sleep disturbance in ambulance attendances for suicidal ideation and attempted suicide, which suggests a possible role for paramedics in suicide prevention.
[read the full story...]Lay people intervening and preventing suicide in a public place: how is it done and is it effective?
Dafni Katsampa and Ioana Crivatu explore a qualitative paper. which gives accounts from both survivors and interveners of a suicide attempt in a public place.
[read the full story...]Universal Credit increases mental health problems, but not employment
Alan Simpson summarises a recent longitudinal study that explores the impact that UK welfare reform, specifically Universal Credit, has had on the mental health of people across England, Scotland and Wales.
[read the full story...]#chatsafe: helping young people communicate safely online about suicide
In her debut blog, Zoë Catchpole summarises a recent qualitative paper about the Australian #chatsafe project, which outlines how young people were involved in the development of an online campaign to support conversations about suicide.
[read the full story...]