How should we assess suicide risk in mental health services, or should we stop doing it?

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Vishal Bhavsar reports on the development and validation of a new clinical prediction rule (the OxMIS tool), which has been developed by the Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology group at the University of Oxford to help predict the risk of suicide in people with severe mental illness.

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Suicide risk assessment among psychiatric inpatients: pessimism around predictive power

Glass half empty

Alex Langford appraises a systematic review that looks at high-risk categories for suicide risk assessment among psychiatric inpatients.

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Risk assessment tools do not accurately predict the risk of repeat offending, according to new systematic review


Risk assessment tools are widely used in psychiatric hospitals and criminal justice systems to help predict violent behaviour and inform sentencing and release decisions. Yet their predictive accuracy remains uncertain and expert opinion is divided, according to a new systematic review published in the BMJ. An international team of researchers led by Seena Fazel from [read the full story…]