Long-term outcomes of childhood sexual abuse #ISTSS2019


Raphael Underwood summarises a recent umbrella review (a synthesis of meta-analyses), which aimed to evaluate the current literature regarding childhood sexual abuse and long-term outcomes (psychosocial outcomes, psychiatric diagnoses and physical health outcomes).

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Too much of a good thing: the cognitive impact of problematic internet use


Marissa Kube-Clare reviews a recent meta-analysis on the impact of Problematic Internet Usage on different domains of cognition. The review concluded that Problematic Internet Use was associated with significant cognitive impairment.

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The global drug problem: who cares? #LxAddictions19


Ian Hamilton shares his thoughts on the new Drug Use series published yesterday in The Lancet: The global drug problem – change but not progression.

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Amphetamine-like stimulant use: what do we know about who uses them and how drug using careers develop?


Harry Sumnall considers a systematic narrative review, which looks at the individual, social and environmental influences that shape key phases in the amphetamine-like stimulant use trajectory

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“It doesn’t mean they aren’t after you”: sexual minorities and paranoia


Sarah Carr explores a recent cross-sectional study on sexual minority status and symptoms of psychosis, which looks at the role of bullying, discrimination, social support and drug use.

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Can contingency management help people with psychosis give up cannabis? The CIRCLE trial


Ian Hamilton summarises the recently published CIRCLE trial, which looks at the clinical and cost-effectiveness of contingency management for cannabis use in early psychosis.

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Can a ‘personalised psychosocial toolbox’ help people reduce ‘on-top’ drug use during opioid substitution treatment?


Vicky Carlisle summarises a promising recent RCT on the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an adjunctive personalised psychosocial intervention in treatment-resistant maintenance opioid agonist therapy.

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Prevalence of comorbid personality disorder and alcohol use disorder


People diagnosed with “personality disorders” are likely to also experience alcohol problems.

Dean Connolly summarises a recent systematic review that confirms the very high prevalence of comorbid personality disorders and alcohol use disorders.

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Self-harm in older adults: a forgotten group?


Karen Birnie, Haridha Pandian and Derek Tracy summarise a recent systematic review in the British Journal of Psychiatry on self-harm in older adults.

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Can smoking cessation improve cognitive functioning in people with psychosis?


Dafni Katsampa explores a recent prospective cohort study that investigates the association between smoking behaviour and cognitive functioning in patients with psychosis, their siblings and healthy control subjects.

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