To date, ecstasy use has been very much associated with young people and clubbing, but some research has shown that the environments in which it is taken is now beginning to broaden. Lifetime prevalence rates for the drug are around 10% in the US and 8.6% in the UK according to 2010 EMCDDA estimates. The [read the full story…]
Government publish response to the Health Select Committee inquiry on the Alcohol Strategy
The Government has published its response to the House of Commons Health Select Committee inquiry on the Government’s Alcohol Strategy. The Committee gave a positive welcome overall to the Government’s Alcohol Strategy and it welcomed the decision to introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol. The 4 key recommendations from the report are: The Committee [read the full story…]
How is alcohol misuse affecting the children of parents who drink?
We don’t have accurate statistics on the numbers of children living with alcohol misusing parents. It’s estimated that 79,000 babies in England are living with a parent who is classified as a ‘problematic’ drinker (‘hazardous’ or ‘harmful’). The Office of the Children’s Commissioner has published a Rapid Evidence Assessment about the impact that alcohol misuse [read the full story…]
What all doctors should know about managing drug and alcohol misuse
All postgraduate doctors across all specialties should be aware of this new consensus paper produced by a special working group of 13 medical Colleges and Faculties. The report presents the core competencies that all postgraduate specialist trainees should have in relation to managing drug and alcohol misuse. It’s well reported that substance misuse is a [read the full story…]
Teenage cannabis use may reduce IQ in adulthood
This well conducted prospective cohort study looks at the impact that cannabis use can have on the development of the brain over a 20 year period, from the teenage years to middle-age. The research studied 1,037 people from New Zealand who are part of the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development study, which followed participants from [read the full story…]
New NHS survey points to decline in drug use amongst 11-15 years olds
The NHS Information Centre have published their annual survey of secondary school pupils in England in years 7 to 11 (mostly aged 11 to 15). 6,519 pupils in 219 schools completed questionnaires in the autumn term of 2011. The survey report presents information on the percentage of pupils who have ever smoked, tried alcohol or [read the full story…]
New NICE local government public health briefings on workplace health, tobacco and physical activity
Another week, another new type of publication from NICE. The local government public health briefings are aimed at local authorities and their partner organisations in the health and voluntary sectors, in particular those involved with health and wellbeing boards. Three briefings have been launched today on: Tobacco Physical activity Workplace health These briefings will be relevant [read the full story…]
The care of young people with substance misuse problems: new practice standards from the Royal College of Psychiatrists
Here’s one final substance misuse blog before the weekend, this time highlighting a new standard that’s been put together by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in partnership with DrugScope, Alcohol Concern and the Royal College of General Practitioners. Drug and alcohol misuse among young people is a major problem, although overall use is starting to decline. [read the full story…]
Early interventions for substance-using adolescents show promise
Substance misuse has been a bit of a theme on the Mental Elf this week and I’m continuing with that today, firstly with this piece from the Lifestyle Elf. Don’t forget, if you’re interested in healthy lifestyle issues (exercise, obesity, quitting smoking, alcohol, substance misuse), you should be following the excellent Lifestyle Elf blog. Earlier [read the full story…]
Preventing children of substance-affected parents from becoming users
Prevention is better than cure, right? When it comes to preventing drug- and alcohol-misuse, children of substance-abusing parents are a really important group to work with, as they are at higher risk of developing their own subtance-related problems, or other mental health problems, than their peers from non-substance-using families. My cousin the Lifestyle Elf has highlighted a [read the full story…]