Psychodynamic therapy: time for a new approach?


Mark Smith summarises a recent narrative review about the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy for depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, somatic disorders and other mental health conditions.

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Substance use disorders increase mortality following release from prison


Andrew Jones summarises a recent nationwide longitudinal cohort study, which explores the relationship between substance use disorders, psychiatric disorders, and mortality after release from prison.

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Pharmacotherapy for anxiety and comorbid alcohol use disorders


Natasha Clarke summarises a recent Cochrane review of pharmacotherapy for anxiety and comorbid alcohol use disorders, which found only very low quality evidence about the effectiveness of medication (buspirone, paroxetine, sertraline) for treating patients with both conditions.

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CBT for substance misuse in young people


Eleanor Kennedy summarises a Campbell systematic review of CBT for substance misuse in young people in outpatient treatment, which is inconclusive in terms of CBT being more or less effective than other therapies.

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The value of family meals


Helen Bould appraises a recent systematic review, which investigates the effects of family meal frequency on psychosocial outcomes in young people.

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Rural housing problems, mental health and substance use


Ian Cummins considers an Australian study on the interplay of rural issues, mental health problems and substance use on housing and access to a secure home.

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Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy


Meg Fluharty highlights a recent study suggesting that financial incentives may be beneficial in helping pregnant women quit smoking. This recent study investigated the effectiveness of shopping vouchers in addition to NHS Stop Smoking Services to aid quit attempts in pregnant women.

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Long working hours are associated with increased alcohol use


Sally Adams summarises a new BMJ systematic review and meta-analysis of working hours and alcohol use, which finds a link between longer working hours and risky alcohol consumption.

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