Psychological interventions effective for improving mental health and sleep following complex trauma


In her debut blog, Delia Ciobotaru explores a network meta-analysis which finds that psychological treatments are effective in reducing PTSD symptoms experienced by people with complex trauma.

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Just how effective are digital mental health workplace interventions?


Chris O’Sullivan explores a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of eHealth interventions for reducing mental health conditions in employees.

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Pets are mostly good for our mental health


Kirsten Lawson considers the findings of a recent narrative review and synthesis, which looks at the power of support from pets and companion animals for people living with mental health problems.

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Testing stress training for black and minority ethnic carers of people with dementia


Mary Larkin finds out if a US carer support programme is effective for black and minority ethnic carers of people living with Alzhemier’s disease.

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Off to a good start. Are self-help interventions effective for people with comorbid physical and mental health problems?


The ideal treatment for common mental health problems in those with chronic physical illness would have to be reliable, easy to deliver, inexpensive and accessible by a group of people whose physical impairment may affect treatment adherence. NICE guidelines (CG90 Depression; the treatment and management of depression in adults) recommend self-help interventions (SHIs) based on [read the full story…]