Mental health literacy increases, but mental heath stigma is not reduced. New systematic review explores why not


We have learnt so much about mental illness in the last few decades and the science behind diagnosing, managing and supporting people with individual conditions has improved dramatically. Despite this improved knowledge, public attitudes to mental health issues remain varied and we still frequently hear horror stories about how people with mental health conditions are [read the full story…]

NICE publish guidance on how to make adult mental health care a ‘good experience’ for people

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Adult mental health services in the NHS should be improved to provide person-centred care that tackles the stigma associated with mental illness, says NICE. People with mental health issues should have access to mental health services when they need them, and should be actively involved in shared decision-making and supported in self-management. This latest NICE [read the full story…]

People with mental illness are still dying young and this is a violation of human rights, says new editorial


People with serious mental illness are still living 15-20 years less than the rest of the population, according to a study from the Nordic countries. The study, published in the December issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry, shows that the life expectancy gap has remained largely unchanged over the last 20 years, despite changes [read the full story…]

Simulated hallucinations increase empathy towards people with schizophrenia, but also increase the desire for social distance

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It’s well documented that people with severe mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, suffer from stigmatisation on a regular basis. Stigma can be caused by ignorance or a lack of knowledge about a disease. As the actress Shirley Maclaine once said: Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends. Researchers have developed a number [read the full story…]

Key facts and trends in UK mental health: new fact sheet from the NHS Confederation

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The NHS Confederation Mental Health Network have updated their publication on key facts and trends in mental health. The 8-page PDF contains information about the prevalence of mental disorders, employment and housing, stigma and discrimination, current NHS spending, service activity, quality, safety and user experience. Here are some of the headlines: The largest increase in [read the full story…]

WordsMatter: a new website to help promote fair mental health reporting

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Unbalanced and prejudicial reporting of mental health issues creates a climate of stigma and discrimination against people who experience mental health problems. This is a major barrier in terms of their everyday lives and can significantly hamper their recovery. There is a gap in terms of a web-based project that allows people to praise and [read the full story…]

Attitudes to mental illness survey shows some improvement but more work needed

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The NHS Information Centre has published a report that presents the findings of a survey of attitudes towards mental illness among adults in England undertaken in 2011. The questionnaire included a number of statements about mental illness. Respondents were asked to indicate how much they agreed or disagreed with each statement. Other questions covered a [read the full story…]