Guidelines for involving young people with lived experience in suicide research


Dhea Bengardi summarises a Delphi study that involved lived experience and researcher stakeholders in developing a comprehensive set of guidelines for involving youth with lived and living experience of suicide in suicide research.

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Using digital technologies to support young people at risk of suicide: new guidance from a Delphi study


Becky Appleton summarises a recent Delphi study that led to the development of the first clinical guidelines for implementing digital technology within mental healthcare for young people with suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

[read the full story...]

What are the benefits of including young people in mental health research? Findings from interviews conducted by co-researchers


In her debut blog, Melanie Luximon writes with Nina Higson-Sweeney to summarise a recent qualitative study exploring the benefits of involving young people in mental health research.

[read the full story...]

Early intervention in psychosis: research priorities


In his debut blog, Kris Deering summarises a paper which looks at the evidence gaps and research priorities for early intervention in psychosis.

[read the full story...]

A review of patient and public involvement in realist reviews: further clarity needed in reporting of PPI


In her debut blog, Isabela Troya reviews a review of reviews (get your head around that!), which reported on how patients and the public have been involved in realist reviews and the impact that this involvement has had.

[read the full story...]

How do sexual assault services identify and treat mental health and substance misuse problems?


Anjuli Kaul explores a recent systematic review on the identification and treatment of mental health and substance misuse problems in sexual assault services.

[read the full story...]

Toolkit for GP practices on reasonable adjustments to support people with learning disabilities

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The past few years has seen the publication of a number of national reports which have highlighted the often poor response to people with learning disabilities by health services, (‘Death by Indifference’, ‘Healthcare for all’ ‘Six Lives’ investigation) which led to a number of key recommendations for improvement, including the need for reasonable adjustments in [read the full story…]

New easy read materials with advice for people with learning disabilities on how to stay safe, at home, out and about and on the internet


As you know, here at Elf towers our aim is to bring you the published evidence in supporting people with learning disabilities, but occasionally we will also draw your attention to practice tools and resources that we think might help improving people’s lives. Today, we wanted to draw your attention to some materials produced in Essex [read the full story…]

Learning disability liaison nurses valued by stakeholders and improve care, education and organisational development

Young girl and nurse

We have posted a number of times about the response of health services to the needs of people with learning disabbilites and recent reports have focused on the experience of people using general hospitals (see for example Mencap 74 Deaths and counting) One response to this concern has been the development of the Learning Disability [read the full story…]

Review highlights experiences of mental health services by people with learning disabilities

Self-reported stigma was positively associated with psychological distress

The organisation of mental health services for people with learning disabilities, particularly issues relating to inpatient care remains an important area for research. This review of the literature set out to identify recent findings. The review found that people with learning disabilities appeared to be admitted with more severe problems and also received more interventions [read the full story…]