Reducing physical restraint: suggestions from patients and staff


Rob Allison explores a recent qualitative study of mental health inpatients’ and staff members’ suggestions for reducing physical restraint.

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The weekend effect in mental health services: new evidence suggests no increased risk of suicide, inpatient mortality or seclusion


Laura Hemming reviews two recent studies that investigate whether patients admitted to a psychiatric hospital at the weekend had worse clinical outcomes, as well as the specific weekend versus weekday incidences of suicide in very high-risk mental health patients.

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#SafeStaffing Mental health nursing on inpatient wards

We need validated assessments of depression.

John Baker looks at the implications of the leaked NICE review on #SafeStaffing for Nursing in Inpatient Mental Health Settings, which was recently uncovered by HSJ journalist Shaun Lintern.

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Targeted support and telecare can reduce staff input in services for people with learning disabilities


The need for appropriately supported accommodation for people with learning disabilities continues to rise as people naturally move from family homes to their own.  Controlling costs of support has always been a major concern for the paying authorities, but this is particularly true in the current climate of financial constraint. They key challenge is how [read the full story…]

Case study shows active support training improved staff assistance to people with learning disabilities


Active Support concerns training staff in working practices and organisational procedures in homes to help provide direct support for resident participation and increase levels of engagement in activities. The researchers in this study looked at the effect of staffing levels, e.g. either one or two staff on the amount of assistance provided to people with [read the full story…]