Linda Gask writes her debut Mental Elf blog on a recent systematic review, which evaluates healthcare team training programs that aim to improve depression in primary care.
[read the full story...]Personality disorders, IAPT treatment and recovery from depression and anxiety
Mark Smith reviews a recent prospective cohort study, which considers the impact of comorbid personality problems on response to IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) treatment for depression and anxiety.
[read the full story...]Community treatment orders and personalisation: an unresolvable paradox?
Ian Cummins explores new research about community treatment orders and the paradox of personalisation under compulsion.
[read the full story...]“It can still happen here”: institutionalised abuse of people with learning disabilities
Hannah Morgan reflects on a literature review of empirical evidence and wider social research, which seeks to place the abuse of people with learning disabilities in a broader cultural context.
[read the full story...]CQC State of Care Report and research for quality improvement: Elves mine the archive
Sarah Carr takes a look at CQC’s State of Adult Social Care Report 2014/15 and corrals the elves in to mine the Social Care Elf archive for some research blogs to help adults social care providers improve services quality.
[read the full story...]Care worker experiences of dementia care in nursing and residential settings
Jo Moriarty examines research on care worker experiences of supporting people with dementia in residential settings and discovers the value of relationships in a task centred working environment.
[read the full story...]The moral and emotional labour of care workers in residential homes
Jill Manthorpe discusses a case study on how the emotional and moral labour of care workers operates in residential settings.
[read the full story...]German lessons for dementia care mapping in England?
Clarissa Giebel assesses a study from her native Germany into the effectiveness of dementia care mapping for improving quality of life in nursing homes.
[read the full story...]Joining the dots: mental and physical health
Lia Ali and colleagues from the IMPARTS project present the findings of their group discussions about a recent review of mortality in mental disorders. Along the way she discusses the staff training they carried out and the tweet chat they ran to consider the implications of this research, both to individuals and on the global burden of disease.
[read the full story...]Staff training for challenging behaviour – what impact does it have?
Training for staff in understanding and responding to challenging behaviour – must be a good thing… But how much do we know about the impact of this training on subsequent staff performance and levels of challenging behaviour?
Here, Louise Phillips looks at a review of the literature that set out to explore these questions in more detail.
[read the full story...]