Alison Faulkner writes a powerful blog on the use of body-worn cameras in acute mental health services, which centres around a qualitative interview study conducted with service users, staff and nursing directors.
[read the full story...]Alison Faulkner writes a powerful blog on the use of body-worn cameras in acute mental health services, which centres around a qualitative interview study conducted with service users, staff and nursing directors.
[read the full story...]How do staff and family carers recognise when somebody they support is in pain and what emotional impact does this have on them?
Here, Nick Burton looks at a small scale qualitative study, which set out to explore this issue for some paid carers and family carers.
[read the full story...]Talk to any manager who leads a team supporting people with learning disabilities and ask about what are the key features impacting on performance and the conversation will turn to team culture. However, clearly defining culture in way that is amenable to study in research has a number of difficulties and so whilst it recurs [read the full story…]
The nature of the interaction between support staff and people with learning disabilities in supported housing is a key factor in quality of life. This study looked at the impact of a video-based contact programme on support staff’s interactions with clients. Seventy-two support staff who supported 12 individuals with visual and learning disabilities took part [read the full story…]