Rethinking how we evaluate interventions that target the social determinants of mental health


Tessa Roberts and Laura Hemming critique a large umbrella review which explores the effectiveness of interventions on social determinants of mental health.

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There is a clear association between socioeconomic deprivation and self-harm


A group of UCL masters student review a multi-centre study on socio-economic disparities in patients who present to hospital for self-harm in England, which found large variations in patients characteristics and pre-self-harm experiences.

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Mental health care and the benefits system: linked data provides opportunities for new research


Becky Appleton explores the potential of new data linkage opportunities for understanding the intersection between mental health service use and receipt of benefits in a South London service user population.

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Connecting with parents and carers to discuss childhood mental health: does ‘universal’ actually mean targeted?


Educational practitioner and researcher, Aleem Nisar, writes about the people and places in our communities that can help to diversify our research and ensure that mental health services reach those most in need.

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Income inequality and poor mental health: should we be focusing more on young people’s own perceptions?


In her debut elf blog, Kadra Abdinasir from Centre for Mental Health explores the relationship between perceived income inequality, adverse mental health and interpersonal difficulties in UK adolescents.

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Tackling structural racism in suicide prevention: a conceptual framework


Kam Bhui reviews a conceptual framework developed to understand structural racism and suicide prevention for ethnoracially minoritised youth in the United States.

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New research suggests that youth suicide attempts can result in later-life economic and social disadvantages

Dissolving orange alarm clock. Dissolving time

In her debut blog, India Bellairs-Walsh summarises a recent population-based cohort study investigating the long-term economic and social outcomes of youth suicide attempts.

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Suicide in women: laws that discriminate against women may explain higher rates in low and middle income countries


Grace Crowley summarises a study which suggests that policy makers working to reduce women’s suicide in low- and middle-income countries should target laws discriminating against women.

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Parenting practices and bullying in adolescents: what’s the link? #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch appraises a recent cross-sectional study, which looks the associations between parenting practices and bullying in adolescents.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm GMT on Monday 22nd November for an online journal club discussing this paper. Or sign up now to join the free webinar hosted by ACAMH.

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Does the IAPT self-referral process work for people living in poverty?

London, UK 01/06/2020: NHS Homerton Hospital Flag Signes Inside Hospital Directions Thank You NHS Poll Flag Medical Clinic Pandemic Codid19 Coronavirus Information

In her debut blog, Alice Potter reviews a qualitative study exploring different perspectives on the accessibility of current IAPT self-referral processes for people with mental health problems living in poverty.

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