Dr Ana Veic explores the barriers to mental health care reported by over 17,000 US veterans with PTSD, and how these barriers differ between demographic groups (e.g., by race and by sex).
[read the full story...]Dr Ana Veic explores the barriers to mental health care reported by over 17,000 US veterans with PTSD, and how these barriers differ between demographic groups (e.g., by race and by sex).
[read the full story...]Holly Crudgington reviews a recent study from Manchester, which explores characteristics and risk of repetition in people who fail to report previous hospital presentations for self-harm.
[read the full story...]Ian Hamilton reviews a recent longitudinal study from Finland, which explores the psychological stressors predicting increased drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic.
[read the full story...]Vishal Bhavsar considers the findings of a cross sectional survey of over 3,500 men, which measured the prevalence of extremist attitudes in the general population and any associations with mental illness.
[read the full story...]Only 18 studies were identified for this review of caries risk assessment models. Previous caries experience and salivary mutans streptococci levels were the only two methods with more than 3 studies and the quality of evidence for these two approaches was low.
[read the full story...]Schizophrenia is a complex disorder (or, more likely, group of disorders) that has reality distortion at its core. Efforts to establish the cause of schizophrenia have been ongoing for more than a century, and many models have come and gone in that time (not for nothing has schizophrenia been called ‘the graveyard of neuropathologists’ (Plum, [read the full story…]