Coproducing qualitative mental health research with young people

While there has been more political and media attention to the situation of care homes, this paper suggests a commonality of experience in the frontline between care homes and home care staff.

Following her blog yesterday, Natalie Berry explores a related paper by the same authors, which reflects on co-producing a qualitative study with young people during the era of COVID-19.

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Befriending interventions: are they effective?


#UCLJournalClub students appraise a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of befriending interventions for people with a variety of health conditions including mental illness.

[read the full story...]

Results of human-dog relationships studies on social reciprocity in children with autism encouraging but further research needed


Given that autism spectrum disorders are characterised by deficits in social reciprocity and communication, there is a school of thought that suggests that exploiting the emotional aspects of human-dog relationships may hold potential to overcome some difficulties of people with ASD to relate and interact effectively with others. The authors of this review set out [read the full story…]