Can Twitter data analysis help improve service quality in hospital settings? #EvidenceLive


Our #EvidenceLive blogging team look at a study of Twitter traffic and service quality performance in hospital settings in the US.

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Can social networking alleviate loneliness in later life?


Farhana Mann appraises a cross-sectional survey of social networking site usage, loneliness and mental health in community-dwelling older adults.

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We are recruiting for our #ElfHelp programme


If you are looking to gain real life experience in social media and publishing, here’s your opportunity! Our #ElfHelp programme features positions for Publishing, Communications, PR and Social Media.

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Social media and care of orthodontic appliances

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This randomised trial examined the use of social media (YouTube ) for the provision of patient information to those undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment. A larger improvement in knowledge was seen in the YouTube group at 6-8 weeks.

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Endeavour Connect: An interface to support independent Facebook use by people with learning disabilities


As more people are using social media sites, it is important that people with learning disabilities are not excluded.

Here, Michelle Gregory looks at a pilot study evaluating the use of an interface to help people with learning disabilities use Facebook.

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Social media, cyberbullying and young people: what can the evidence tell us so far?


Sarah Knowles questions how much a new scoping review can tell us about the prevalence and effect of cyberbullying on children and young people.

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Social media and suicide prevention


Claire Niedzwiedz summarises a recent systematic review that provides a narrative synthesis of research into social media and suicide prevention.

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#WeCATS Critical Appraisal Twitter Session

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Social media legend Teresa Chinn announces the launch of #WeCATS, a new WeNurses tweet chat being run in partnership with Sally Crowe from CASP, Sarah Chapman from the UK Cochrane Centre and your very own Mental Elf. We are very excited about this new critical appraisal endeavour.

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Mental health service users on Twitter: a platform for feedback and support?


Sarah Knowles considers the challenges facing researchers using Twitter to find out more about mental health service user experiences of feedback and support.

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