Cyberbullying: comparatively rare, not especially damaging or pernicious


Shirley Reynolds reports on a recent population-based cross-sectional study that surveyed 1 in 5 of all 15 year olds in England, to ask them about bullying, cyberbullying and adolescent well-being.

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Ethics of social media research: from Big Brother to rainbow unicorns


This jointly authored blog is written by André Tomlin and the people who attended a PenCLAHRC blogging workshop in Exeter yesterday. As a group they consider the findings of a qualitative systematic review of attitudes toward the ethics of research using social media.

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Can digital communication improve relationships between young people and clinicians?


Victoria Betton reports on the LYNC study; mixed methods research into timely digital patient-clinician communication in specialist clinical services for young people.

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How do young adults with diabetes or mental health problems engage with online health information?


Sarah Knowles explores a qualitative study of young adults’ perspectives on producing and consuming user-generated content about diabetes and mental health.

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Digital health for young people with mental health problems: silver bullet or red herring?


Victoria Betton on a recent meta review of digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems. The question is, does the evidence square with her experience of what actually happens in practice?

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Social networking sites and mental health: friend or foe?


Una Foye and Josefien Breedvelt from the Mental Health Foundation publish their debut elf blog on a recent systematic narrative review that aimed to identify and summarise research examining depression and anxiety in the context of social networking websites.

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#BeyondTheRoom: our new digital conference service will extend the reach of your event


Today we are launching #BeyondTheRoom; an exciting new digital conference service that will create a buzz around your event, extend your reach, facilitate a democratic conversation, create a legacy and report on the impact of your social media activity.

We can bring live tweeting, live blogging, live podcasting and live streaming to YOUR event.

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Elf help to ensure your research has digital impact #ResearchWales16


This post accompanies a talk I’m giving in Cardiff today at the Research with Impact conference organised by Health and Care Research Wales. Please read the blog, peruse my slides and let me know what you think. It’s an exciting time for us elves!

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Jonny Benjamin: Social media and schizophrenia – my story


Jonny Benjamin shares his personal story of using social media to manage his own mental health.

The award-winning mental health campaigner has been an inspiration to many, through his frank and hugely informative YouTube channel. His films cover everything from recovery to poetry.

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A systematic review and meta-analysis of social media interventions in schizophrenia: too good to be true?


Chris O’Sullivan explores a recent systematic review that looks at the effectiveness of social media interventions for people with schizophrenia.

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