Tackling structural racism in suicide prevention: a conceptual framework


Kam Bhui reviews a conceptual framework developed to understand structural racism and suicide prevention for ethnoracially minoritised youth in the United States.

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Interventions to improve social circumstances among people with mental health conditions


Andy Bell summarises work by the Mental Health Policy and Research Unit looking at improving the social circumstances of people with mental health conditions. The study finds the most robust and compelling evidence available relates to gaining paid employment and tackling homelessness.

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Schizophrenia and educational attainment: mind the gap


Ian Kelleher considers a new systematic review of papers from across the world, which looks at the enduring gap in educational attainment for people with schizophrenia.

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Contemplating compassion in mental health research: Researcher in Residence – Shuranjeet Singh


Shuranjeet Singh is our new Mental Elf Researcher in Residence. In this blog he explores the role that compassion has to play in the future of mental health research.

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Suicide in women: laws that discriminate against women may explain higher rates in low and middle income countries


Grace Crowley summarises a study which suggests that policy makers working to reduce women’s suicide in low- and middle-income countries should target laws discriminating against women.

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Researcher in Residence: Shuranjeet Singh – Introductions and Motivations


Shuranjeet Singh is our new Mental Elf Researcher in Residence. Over the coming months, he will be blogging about his PhD journey, exploring how power operates in patient and public involvement.

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Ethnicity and power: how can we make mental healthcare equitable for all people with psychosis?

Young african woman stuck in a carton

Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou consider the findings of a recent qualitative study which looks at the differences experienced by Black Caribbean and White British people trying to access care for psychosis.

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What impact does racism have on the mental health of multiracial people?


Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou appraise a cross-sectional study looking at the impact that racial discrimination experienced by multiracial people can have on their mental wellbeing.

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Being part of something bigger: can neighbourhood identification protect against self-harm?


Florian Walter reviews a recent cross-sectional study which investigates whether neighbourhood identification can buffer against the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on self-harm.

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Barriers to citizenship for people living with mental health problems


In their debut blog, Nagina Khan and Subodh Dave review a qualitative paper exploring the barriers to citizenship that people with mental health problems face.

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