Rethinking how we evaluate interventions that target the social determinants of mental health


Tessa Roberts and Laura Hemming critique a large umbrella review which explores the effectiveness of interventions on social determinants of mental health.

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Nature’s healing benefits: breaking down barriers for South Asian communities in the UK

A sign on a gate showing the way forward is no right of way and private land with a blue sky above

Jingni Ma considers a systematic review on the barriers that South Asian people living in the UK can face when trying to access natural green spaces, and the psychological benefits that nature can provide.

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How has the hostile environment policy worsened the mental health of people from minoritised ethnic groups?

LONDON, UK -20 MAY 2017- Sign for the UK Border at London Heathrow International Airport (LHR).  The UK and European Union  countries have separate passport control and immigration lanes.

Briony Tatem considers a study in The Lancet, which explores the effect of immigration policy reform on mental health in people from minoritised ethnic groups in England, using longitudinal data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study cohort.

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Unjust: how inequality and mental health intertwine


Andy Bell reflects on a recent peer research study and shares the steps that any mental health service can take to help people reclaim their rights, their personhood, and their equal citizenship.

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From criminal to person: therapeutic relationships through the eyes of young offenders


Sofiia Kornatska reviews a qualitative study on the importance of child-staff therapeutic relationship in the Children and Young People’s Secure Estate, which offers insights into the implementation of the SECURE STAIRS trauma-informed framework that has been commissioned by NHS England across these settings.

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There is a clear association between socioeconomic deprivation and self-harm


A group of UCL masters student review a multi-centre study on socio-economic disparities in patients who present to hospital for self-harm in England, which found large variations in patients characteristics and pre-self-harm experiences.

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Everyday discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic: the toll on mental health


A group of UCL MSc students summarise a US study on the association of everyday discrimination with depression and suicidal ideation during the pandemic.

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We need a whole system approach to tackling early childhood inequality: new research on health and educational outcomes in adolescence

Cute little girl staring through window on a train journey

In her debut blog, Dr Huong Le evaluates a UK population-based retrospective cohort study investigating the impact of early childhood disadvantage on a variety of adverse health and educational outcomes in adolescence.

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How racism, xenophobia and discrimination impact our health: the #LancetSeries

Xenophobia, hatred and racism words written with blocks on red background. Social issues concept

Jon Paul Teo considers the recently published Lancet Series that brings together evidence on how racism, xenophobia and discrimination can impact on our health.

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Connecting with parents and carers to discuss childhood mental health: does ‘universal’ actually mean targeted?


Educational practitioner and researcher, Aleem Nisar, writes about the people and places in our communities that can help to diversify our research and ensure that mental health services reach those most in need.

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