Daisy Long summarises a qualitative study regarding the emotional experience of learning in and of itself for individual social workers and how early learning experiences can shape current responses.
[read the full story...]Daisy Long summarises a qualitative study regarding the emotional experience of learning in and of itself for individual social workers and how early learning experiences can shape current responses.
[read the full story...]Lucinda Powell reports on the findings of the huge MYRIAD (My Resilience in Adolescence) project, which looked at the effectiveness of school based mindfulness training across more than 100 UK schools.
[read the full story...]In their debut blog, Rasanat Fatima Nawaz and Lauren Cross summarise a comprehensive review from the Early Intervention Foundation on school-based mental health interventions.
[read the full story...]Julia Badger summarises a review on the effectiveness of interventions adopting a whole-school approach to enhancing social and emotional development. She finds that the evidence supports this approach, but implementing it in schools is not always straightforward.
[read the full story...]Michael Wigelsworth summarises a review by Celene Domitrovich on social-emotional competence, which she describes as an essential factor in promoting positive adjustment and reducing risk in children.
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