Are dementia prevalence and incidence declining? Findings from a review of cohort studies


Clarissa Giebel summarises a recent review global cohort studies, which asks the question – is dementia on the downturn, and are the risks the same in high-income or low to middle income countries?

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Social media, smoking and young people: is there any link?


Ian Hamilton summarises a longitudinal survey study of UK youth, which suggests there is an association between social media exposure and use of e-cigarettes and smoking.

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Mental health problems and admissions to hospital for accidents and injuries in the UK military


Ana Veic summarises a epidemiological study exploring the mental health problems and admissions to hospital for accidents and injuries in the UK military.

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Cannabis use and its legalisation: analysing chronic pain in US veterans using electronic health records

American Soldiers and US Flag. US troops

In their debut blog, Grace Williamson and Daniel Leightley review a US study on chronic pain, cannabis legalisation, and cannabis use disorder in US veterans.

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South Asia’s silent struggle: people with severe mental illness suffer high burden of physical illness


An international group of experts from the University of York CADA Implementation Science Summer School summarise a recent study on the prevalence of physical health conditions and health risk behaviours in people with severe mental illness in South Asia (Bangladesh, India and Pakistan).

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Smoking and bipolar disorder: the physical and mental health impact of tobacco cessation

a pile of orange cigarette butts in ash

Hannah Walsh explores the clinical and research implications of this French cohort study on bipolar disorder and smoking status, and how risks differ for current, former and never smokers.

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Integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness: how will the NHS cope?


Amelia Talbot summarises a qualitative study on people’s views of integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness.

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Smoking and the incidence of peri-implantitis


This review of the influence of smoking on the incidence of peri-implantitis included 6 prospective cohort studies involving a total of 762 patients. The findings suggest an increased patient-level risk of peri-implantitis in smokers risk ratio = 2.08 (95%CI; 1.17 to 3.71.

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Cannabis use in college: genetic predispositions less influential than social environment


Sally Turner reviews a recent study exploring cannabis use in college, which provides useful evidence relating to how universities could promote a sense of community, belonging and support to students who use cannabis.

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#SmokingAndMentalHealth conversations: NIHR 3 schools webinar

Tom 01 Smoking and Mental Health cover

SmokingAndMentalHealth – Carolyn Chew-Graham summarises the conversations that took place at the Smoking and Mental Health webinar on 28th September 2022.

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