Can eCBTi improve adolescents’ sleep?


Jack Barton marvels at the paradox that the very digital devices that harm our sleep patterns so terribly, may also be a possible solution to insomnia and sleep problems in young people. A new systematic review on digitally-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy (eCBTi) for youth insomnia shows a little promise.

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Non-medical use of prescription drugs #NonMedicalDrugs


Ian Hamilton and Julia Buxton from the University of York preview the #NonMedicalDrugs event that will take place in York on Friday 16th March 2018.

The meeting will bring together people who can offer personal and professional insights of the extent of the issue and how we can support people who develop problems.

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Insomnia, paranoia and hallucinations: Sleepio CBTi at the OASIS


Jack Barton publishes his debut elf blog on the huge OASIS randomised controlled trial, which explores the effects that improved sleep can have on our mental health.

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Investigating the link between loneliness and sleep quality in young people


Ahmed Al-Shihabi and Farhana Mann report on a recent twin study that explores the links between loneliness and sleep quality in young adults.

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It’s a jungle out there: the natural history of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia


Caroline Struthers scrutinises a systematic review on the longitudinal course of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

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Can social networking alleviate loneliness in later life?


Farhana Mann appraises a cross-sectional survey of social networking site usage, loneliness and mental health in community-dwelling older adults.

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Sleep disruption during and after pregnancy may be associated with postpartum mental illness


Susie Johnson summarises a systematic review that explores the relationship between sleep disruption and postpartum mental illness, which reports a link between self-reported poor sleep during and after pregnancy and the development of postpartum depression.

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CBT for insomnia in psychiatric populations: an effective alternative to hypnotics?

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Amy Green appraises a systematic review of CBT for insomnia (CBTi) in people with comorbid mental illness, which concludes that cognitive behaviour therapy could be an effective alternative to hypnotics. However, concerns about the review methodology cast some doubt on the findings.

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Childhood nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking and psychotic experiences


I was a terrible sleeper as a child. I remember lying awake on one particular occasion because I had read a book about space and thought that the sun might swallow up the earth. I was intrigued then, when I was asked to review a paper for the Mental Elf about parasomnias and childhood psychotic [read the full story…]

Cochrane review finds no good quality evidence for common medicines used to treat sleep problems in Alzheimer’s Disease


People with dementia caused by Alzheimer’s Disease (ADD) (which is estimated to be around three quarters of people with dementia) often suffer from sleep disturbances.  These symptoms cause distress to the person with dementia and to their carers, increase the likelihood of admission to a care home, and are also very difficult for care home [read the full story…]