Nicholas Donnelly considers a recent Brazilian randomised controlled trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy versus Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia.
[read the full story...]Nicholas Donnelly considers a recent Brazilian randomised controlled trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy versus Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia.
[read the full story...]Nick Donnelly explores a recent systematic review, which finds a small association between identifying as a night owl and experiences of suicide.
[read the full story...]Jack Wainwright explores how ADHD can impact on all aspects of our lives, not just the three key symptom domains, but on our lifestyle, physical and mental health.
[read the full story...]Amy Ferguson summarises a recent study published by researchers in Birmingham, which suggests that persistent shorter sleep in childhood may increase the risk of psychotic experiences.
[read the full story...]We all had an extra hour in bed this weekend, but what impact does shifting the clocks back and forward each year have on our life satisfaction?
Melanie De Lange summarises a recent study on the welfare effects of time reallocation, which uses Daylight Saving Time evidence from Germany.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Emma Sullivan explores a new paper looking at the feasibility of a CBT for insomnia intervention (delivered by non-expert practitioners) for young people with mental health difficulties.
[read the full story...]Olga Lainidi summarises a network analysis exploring the interconnecting symptoms between PTSD, generalised anxiety disorder, and depression among First Responders based in the United States.
[read the full story...]Emiliana Tonini summarises a large-scale cross-sectional study, which suggests that encouraging individuals to increase their exposure to bright natural light during the day and minimise exposure to artificial light at night may help with our mental health.
[read the full story...]Nick Donnelly discusses how one’s genetic predisposition to shorter sleep is associated with the onset of depression in older adults.
[read the full story...]In their debut blog, Grace Williamson and Daniel Leightley review a US study on chronic pain, cannabis legalisation, and cannabis use disorder in US veterans.
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