Lottie Shipp appraises a qualitative study that explored young people’s experiences of their sibling being admitted to a mental health inpatient unit.
[read the full story...]Lottie Shipp appraises a qualitative study that explored young people’s experiences of their sibling being admitted to a mental health inpatient unit.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Phoebe McKenna-Plumley explores a mixed methods study of young people, which finds concordance between self-reported loneliness and others’ perceptions of loneliness.
[read the full story...]Vishal Bhavsar reviews a cohort study which finds that greater parental housing wealth was associated with fewer emotional and behavioural problems in children.
[read the full story...]In his debut blog, Joseph Schwartz explores a systematic review finding that a range of psychiatric disorders are associated with an elevated risk of violence.
[read the full story...]Sarah Steeg discusses a cohort study finding that people with a psychiatric diagnosis are 3-4 times more likely to be a victim or perpetrator of violence.
[read the full story...]Olivia Kirtley summarises an important new qualitative study that explores the impact of self-harm in young people on their parents and families.
[read the full story...]Elena Marcus writes her debut blog on a total population study that finds some interesting associations between bipolar disorder and leadership potential, executive roles and political professions.
[read the full story...]The authors of this qualitative study were interested in looking at the experiences of growing up with a brother or sister with an autism spectrum disorder from the perspective of their siblings. What they did was carry out a number of semi-structured interviews with 12 typically developing adolescents who had a brother with an autism [read the full story…]
When you were young(er), did you also engage in personality predictions with your peers based on order in the family? For example, that the oldest of three siblings would be the bossiest and the youngest the most spoiled? Almost everyone (90% of us) have one or more siblings. And we know they play an important role [read the full story…]
Older families, where people with learning disabilities live with parents, brothers or sisters over 65, may need more support as they get older. As life expectancy for people with learning disabilities is it may be that increasingly, siblings will assume responsibility for care. The researchers in this study were interested to look at what factors [read the full story…]