Jennifer Lane considers this retrospective audit which examined current practice in the US to discover the current trends in treatment of proximal humerus fractures.
[read the full story...]Jennifer Lane considers this retrospective audit which examined current practice in the US to discover the current trends in treatment of proximal humerus fractures.
[read the full story...]Lesley Dawson looks at a systematic review on the effect of early or delayed active range of movement (ROM) on healing.
[read the full story...]Some of our Elf friends who are regular swimmers have been suffering from sore shoulders. One of them has been diagnosed as having subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS). In this blog, Tracey Howe considers a best evidence review on SIS effectiveness of physiotherapy and manual therapy.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Catherine McRitchie considers a systematic review and a meta analysis, which examines the effectiveness of dry needling Myofascial Trigger Points for neck and shoulder pain.
[read the full story...]In this blog, Lesley Dawson considers a systematic review, which explores the link between smoking and rotator cuff pathology and shoulder dysfunction.
[read the full story...]Tracey Howe reviews a recent Cochrane systematic review that examines the effectiveness of electrotherapy for adults with frozen shoulder.
[read the full story...]Dear friends As its almost the end of the year the Musculoskeletal Elf will be having a short break from today over the festive season and will return in the New Year for more views on interesting and reliable research and guidance relevant for musculoskeletal conditions. We thought that we would have a look at [read the full story…]
As MSK elves we already know shoulder pain is one of the most common presenting musculoskeletal conditions accounting for between 7 -26% of general practitioner consultations in the UK. There are a variety of causes of shoulder pain and some of our previous blogs have discussed challenges to developing an acurate diagnosis. Once we have our appropriately [read the full story…]
All MSK Elves know that shoulder pain is one of the most common complaints referred for assessment and therapeutic intervention both in the acute and primary sectors. The reason for the development of the pain is often blamed on degenerative changes in the rotator cuff. Prescribing the most appropriate form of exercise based on evidence [read the full story…]
There are many tests available to clinicians when performing a physical examination of the shoulder in the attempt to reach an accurate diagnosis. In many instances there is more than one test that can be used to test a structure. The difficulty with physical examination tests recommended for shoulder is that many of these tests [read the full story…]