Beccy White explores the recently published RESPECT trial – a feasibility RCT which finds that a sexual health promotion intervention was safe and acceptable for people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]Beccy White explores the recently published RESPECT trial – a feasibility RCT which finds that a sexual health promotion intervention was safe and acceptable for people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Beccy White summarises a secondary analysis which explored predictors of sexual interest amongst older adults with schizophrenia.
[read the full story...]Sarah Watts explores a small qualitative study that asked NHS staff about the sexual health and sexuality needs of people with serious mental illness.
[read the full story...]Rudiger Pittrof and Elana Covshoff from SHRINE (Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, Inclusion and Empowerment) explore a recent review, which looks at the impact of severe mental disorders and psychotropic medications on sexual health and its implications for clinical management.
[read the full story...]Caroline Tomes summarises a recent systematic review which finds that behavioural interventions can result in short-term increases in safer sex in people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]People with serious mental illness (SMI) such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have higher morbidity and mortality rates due to physical illness. It’s estimated that people with SMI die 10-15 years earlier than the general population (DeHert et al, 2011). Increasingly attention is being paid to ways to improve the physical health of people with [read the full story…]