No sexual health history please, we’re British!


Kirsten Lawson presents the results of a systematic review of observational cross-sectional studies, which looks at the worldwide prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C in people with severe mental illness.

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Carers’ experiences of involvement in care planning


Mike Clark summarised a recent qualitative study of carer involvement in care planning, and reflects on what has changed for mental health carers in the last 20 years.

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Does QOF reduce hospitalisation for people with severe mental illness?


Andres Fonseca appraises a regression analysis looking at the quality and outcomes framework (QOF) and the impact it has on psychiatric admissions in people with severe mental illness.

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Social participation interventions for mental health: do they work?


In this blog, Ian Cummins looks at a study, which seeks to examine the effectiveness of particular forms of intervention that focus on social participation for adults with mental health problems.

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The scars of modern slavery: trafficked people with severe mental illness


Yesterday was #AntiSlaveryDay, so today we are publishing a blog by Mina Fazel who considers the findings of an historical cohort study in the Lancet Psychiatry, which explores the characteristics of trafficked people with severe mental illness.

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Caring for people with severe mental illness: poor research means that carers get a raw deal

Mother and teenage son

Caroline Struthers is frustrated by the lack of high quality research identified by this recent review, which looks at interventions to improve the experience and well-being of those caring for people with severe mental illness.

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Smoking cessation for people with severe mental illness


Sally Adams appraises and summarises the SCIMITAR pilot RCT, which investigates smoking cessation for people with severe mental ill health. The paper presents a highly promising bespoke intervention for smokers with bipolar disorder, psychosis or schizophrenia.

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Promoting smoking cessation in people with schizophrenia


Meg Fluharty summarises a recent clinical overview of smoking cessation in people with severe mental illness, which provides useful practical advice to clinicians who are trying to help service users with schizophrenia, psychosis and other conditions to quit smoking

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Peer-led self-management for mental health: impressive programme, not so sure about the research


Lucy Simons and Chris Sampson appraise a recent evaluation of peer-led self-management training for people with severe mental illness.

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Poor oral health and severe mental illness: what are the links?


Helge Hasselmann summarises a recent systematic review of poor oral health and severe mental illness (SMI), which found that people with SMI were 2.8 times more likely to have lost all their teeth, and had more missing, decayed or filled teeth.

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