Peer support for physical health improvement: recovering ‘stolen years’?


Lucy Simons discusses whether peer support interventions can help to provide physical health improvements for people living with severe mental illness.

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Nutrition interventions for people with severe mental illness: do we need more dieticians?


Elena Marcus considers a brand new systematic review, which evaluates the impact of nutrition interventions for people with severe mental illness.

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Physical activity and schizophrenia: how much exercise do people do?


Joanne Wallace summarises a novel systematic review that actually quantifies the amount of physical activity done by people with schizophrenia.

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Exercise in severe mental illness: barriers and motivating factors

classic vintage racing bike

Joanne Wallace considers a recent systematic review of exercise in severe mental illness, which focuses on the factors that motivate people to exercise, and the barriers that can prevent physical activity.

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Integrated care for the physical health of people with severe mental illness: no easy answers


Liz Hughes summarises a recent rapid review on integrated care to address the physical health needs of people with severe mental illness.

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Supported employment for people with severe mental illness


Raphael Underwood highlights a recent international systematic review of individual placement and support for people with serious mental illness who are seeking to return to work.

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Can pharmacotherapy help smokers with severe mental disorders?


Andrew Jones reports on an ecological pragmatic clinical trial, which suggests that it is feasible to support smoking cessation in people with severe mental disorders such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

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Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation in severe mental illness


Andrew Jones reports on a recent systematic review and network meta-analysis of the efficacy and tolerability of pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation in severe mental illness, which finds a promising but low quality result for bupropion and varenicline.

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Mental illness, challenging behaviour and psychotropic drugs #UCLJournalClub


Join us at 2-3pm on Wednesday 18th May for the #UCLJournalClub, which will be live broadcasted on YouTube and live tweeted by the @LearningDisElf

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Crisis intervention for severe mental illness: Cochrane call for more evidence


John Baker is struck by the lack of evidence for crisis intervention for people with severe mental illness, highlighted by a recently updated Cochrane systematic review.

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