It may not be possible to generate clear-cut evidence on integrated care, reports a new evidence summary


This recent report, commissioned by the European Commission and compiled by RAND Europe, aims to summarise economic evaluation evidence on the impact of integrated care.  The authors restricted their evidence search to systematic reviews and meta analyses, which is understandable as this is described as a rapid review but the authors acknowledge this has limitations, [read the full story…]

Integrating funds across health and social care is not a panacea according to recent review


This review from the University of York’s Centre for Health Economics is certainly timely for commissioners in England, with plans for the Better Care Fund well underway and Simon Stevens, the new Chief Executive for NHS England, recently quoted as saying “no-one should pretend just combining two financially leaky buckets will magically create a watertight funding solution” [read the full story…]

Deprivation may not contribute to health inequality in people with learning disabilities in the same way as in the general population.


This cross-sectional study used interviews with over 1000 adults with learning disabilities within a defined location along with a review of their medical records. Area deprivation was defined by postcode, using Carstairs scores. The authors found that area deprivation had no influence on access to social supports, daytime primary health-care services or hospital admissions. However, [read the full story…]