Multiple perspectives on community treatment orders


In his second blog on community treatment orders, Ian Cummins looks at a UK study on user, carer and practitioner perspectives and critiques the policy.

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Parents’ experience of transition: support and struggle


Hannah Morgan assesses a study on parents’ experience of support for transition to adulthood for children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and finds that although they want to support their children, they themselves are not always supported by services.

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Easter/Spring special: can pets help with long term conditions?


For an Easter/Spring special, Sarah Carr looks at research into how pets can help people with long term conditions but how researchers may miss this in interviews.

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How do older people experience social care support?


Jill Manthorpe gets to grips with a systematic review of qualitative research to find out how older people experience social care support and calls on a surprising literary character for help.

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People with mental health problems talk about poverty


Ian Cummins adds to current political debates about poverty and social justice as he explores Canadian research on the topic that captured the experiences and views of people with mental health problems who actually live in poverty.

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What works for whom in support planning by ULOs?


Gerry Bennison explores a study on support planning by user led organisations and wonders about the implications for personalisation and equality of access to social care and support.

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Coproduction of secure mental health services: design, development and delivery


Sarah Carr summarises a study of user involvement and coproduction initiatives in secure mental health settings, which recommends schemes that build alliances, garner mutual respect and support communication between staff and service users in shared forums.

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Quality of life and mental health: What questions should we ask?


In his debut blog, Martin Webber, Reader in Social Work at the University of York, asks how we can meaningfully measure quality of life with and for people living with mental health problems.

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How do health and social care leaders respond to user involvement?


Service user researcher and consultant, Gerry Bennison presents his first Social Care Elf blog. In it he critically discusses the findings of a study looking at how leaders in health and social care are responding to service user involvement.

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The impact of PPI on service users, researchers and communities


Sarah Knowles and Ailsa Donnelly consider the findings on a systematic review which seeks to map the impact of patient and public involvement (PPI) on health and social care research.

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