Updated review of experiences of compulsory treatment builds the case for legal reform to be grounded in lived experiences


Jill Stavert summarises a recent qualitative meta-synthesis of service users’ and carers’ experiences of assessment and involuntary hospital admissions under mental health legislations.

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Introducing the Hope service: we need to provide practical support to men at risk of suicide


In his debut blog, Michael J. Wilson appraises a qualitative study, which examined service users, staff and stakeholder perspectives on a service helping to prevent suicide in men who are going through a crisis.

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Power, equality, diversity and systemic change: the theory, barriers and enablers for patient and public involvement


In her debut blog, Layla Mofrad summarises an umbrella review exploring the theory, barriers & enablers for patient and public involvement in health and social care research and service delivery.

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Waiting for the verdict: service user experiences of Mental Health Act assessment


Elena Opie considers a qualitative study exploring the experiences of vulnerable individuals being assessed under the Mental Health Act.

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Why don’t people receive a psychosocial assessment in emergency departments after self-harm?


Amelia Talbot looks at a recent qualitative study of patient and carer perspectives, which explores the reasons why some patients do not receive a psychosocial assessment in emergency departments following self-harm.

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Acute day hospitals: an option for mental health crisis care?


Dieneke Hubbeling looks at a recent qualitative study of acute day units for mental health crises, which explores the experiences of service users and staff.

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Patients’ experience of ketamine treatment for depression: the ‘Ketamine and me’ project


In her debut blog, Harmony Jiang reviews a recent qualitative study exploring patients’ experience and response to ketamine treatment for depression.

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Bored on the ward: service user experiences of activities on acute mental health inpatient wards

Middle age blonde woman wearing sweater and glasses thinking looking tired and bored with depression problems with crossed arms.

Clair Le Boutillier looks at a recent qualitative review which asks what service users think of activities available on acute mental health inpatient wards.

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Therapeutic alliance important to help people at risk of suicide


Charlotte Huggett summarises a naturalistic outpatient study which explores the impact that therapeutic alliance and negative responses from clinicians can have on suicidal ideation in people in therapy.

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The ‘S’ word: safeguarding and service user experiences in England


Chenel Walker summarises a recent user-led exploratory study about mental health service user experiences of targeted violence and abuse in the context of adult safeguarding in England.

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