Older people who self-harm: the added complication of comorbidities


In her debut blog, Pooja Saini summarises a recent qualitative study that explored access to care for older adults who self-harm. The blog contains some excellent recommendations for primary care professionals and policy-makers.

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Digital technology and youth mental health: recommendations from the Royal College of Psychiatrists


Sarah Hetrick summarises a recent report from the Royal College of Psychiatrists which explores the impact of technology use on the mental health of young people.

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Life after leaving hospital: when does a duty of care end?


Sally McManus writes her debut elf blog on a recent national cohort study of multiple adverse outcomes following first discharge from psychiatric care, which finds that mental health inpatients are more likely to experience all types of adversity after leaving hospital.

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Mental health and suicide risk in LGBTQ students: What are the associated factors?


Sarah Carr writes an important blog for #PrideMonth that looks at general and LGBTQ-specific factors associated with mental health and suicide risk among LGBTQ students.

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Community supported discharge service for teenagers leaving psychiatric hospital


Robyn Murphy summarises an RCT that compares the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intensive community supported discharge service versus treatment as usual for adolescents with psychiatric emergencies.

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Self-harm in older adults: a forgotten group?


Karen Birnie, Haridha Pandian and Derek Tracy summarise a recent systematic review in the British Journal of Psychiatry on self-harm in older adults.

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Using data to inform suicide and self-harm prevention #SelfHarmData


Karen Wetherall summarises the new NatCen report on suicide and self-harm in Britain: researching risk and resilience using UK surveys.

Follow #SelfHarmData on Twitter for all the discussions from the ‘Using data to inform suicide and self-harm prevention’ event in London.

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Transforming mental health throughout the life course #MQScienceMeeting 2019

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André Tomlin sets the scene for the 2019 #MQScienceMeeting which brings together researchers across different disciplines to explore cutting-edge new ways to understand, treat and prevent mental illness.

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Youth suicide prevention research needs a shake-up: lives depend on it

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Pooky Knightsmith appraises a systematic review and meta-analysis entitled: “What Works in Youth Suicide Prevention?”. She is disappointed that the review does not answer the question it sets, but sees this as a call to action for better quality research to help save lives.

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BlueIce app for managing self-harm: what do young people think?


Bethan Davies shares her thoughts on a qualitative study of service users’ experience about the acceptability, use and safety of the BlueIce app for young people who self-harm.

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