Fissure sealants: performance not affected by tooth characteristics

Fissure sealant

16 studies affect of were included in this review of tooth characteristics on sealant performance. With the exception of lower sealant failure rate on premolars sealants were not affected negatively by mouth side, jaw, or tooth type.

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Sealants or fluoride varnish for caries prevention?

Fissure sealant

This Cochrane review update included 8 trials involving 1746 participants. Some low-quality evidence suggesting the superiority of resin-based fissure sealants over fluoride varnish applications was identified

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Micro-invasive treatments can slow caries progression

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8 trials involving a total of 365 patients were included in this Cochrane review of micro-invasive treatments for proximal caries. Micro-invasive treatment significantly reduced the odds of lesion progression compared with non-invasive treatment (e.g fluoride varnish) or oral hygiene advice (e.g to floss) OR=0.24, (95% CI; 0.14 to 0.41).

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Sealants reduced caries in high-risk primary molars


This split-mouth trial conducted in 4-5 year old children found that sealants were superior to fluoride varnish applications in preventing the development and progression of caries in occlusal surfaces of primary molars over 1 year.

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Sealing non-cavitated proximal lesions- review suggests it can reduce caries progression

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Interest in the use of sealants to protect smooth tooth surfaces is growing. This review of 10 small short-term studies found some evidence to suggest if could be effective in preventing caries progression but larger better quality long-term studies are needed.

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Sealant use had a small preventive effect on white spot lesions following orthodontic treatment

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White spot lesions (enamel decalcification) is an adverse effect of orthodontic treatment and may be present in up to 50% of patients following removal of fixed appliances.   Topical fluorides have been shown to reduce decalcification and the use of fluoridated bonding composites and elastomerics have also been tested.   The aim of this study was to [read the full story…]

New Cochrane Protocols March 2013


The March issues of the Cochrane Library includes two new protocols relevant to Oral Health. The first  protocol :-  Arora A, Foster JP, Gillies D, Moxey AJ, Moody G, Curtis B. Breastfeeding for oral health in preschool children (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD010416. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010416. Has the main [read the full story…]