Risperidone versus placebo for people with schizophrenia


Joanne Wallace summarises the recent Cochrane systematic review on risperidone versus placebo for schizophrenia, which concludes that the best available evidence does not show that the benefits of risperidone outweigh the harms.

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Shared treatment decision-making: does it help people with psychosis?


Matthew Broome on a systematic review and meta-analysis of shared treatment decision-making and empowerment-related outcomes in psychosis.

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Substance misuse and addiction in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities


Andrew Jones summarises a recent Canadian cohort study, which explores the extent of substance misuse and addictive disorders among adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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Antipsychotic efficacy measured by real-world observational study


Tracey Roberts examines whether a retrospective observational study accurately investigates the effectiveness of second and first generation antipsychotics.

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Nutrition interventions for people with severe mental illness: do we need more dieticians?


Elena Marcus considers a brand new systematic review, which evaluates the impact of nutrition interventions for people with severe mental illness.

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Physical activity and schizophrenia: how much exercise do people do?


Joanne Wallace summarises a novel systematic review that actually quantifies the amount of physical activity done by people with schizophrenia.

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How do people with psychosis use online health information, and do they tell their clinicians?


Sarah Knowles reviews a recent qualitative study of online mental health information seeking behaviour by people with psychosis.

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Depot antipsychotics: If you pay me, you can keep injecting me


John Baker looks at the 2-year follow-up results of a cluster RCT on the effectiveness of financial incentives to improve adherence to maintenance treatment with depot antipsychotics.

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How can genetics help us better understand, diagnose and treat mental illness? An interview with Andrew McIntosh


This World Mental Health Day, we share a Wellcome Trust interview with Professor Andrew McIntosh, who has a £4.7 million award to explore why people develop depression. He tells Wellcome how he hopes his work will improve the lives of people with mental health conditions, and how he looks after his own mental wellbeing.

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Exercise in severe mental illness: barriers and motivating factors

classic vintage racing bike

Joanne Wallace considers a recent systematic review of exercise in severe mental illness, which focuses on the factors that motivate people to exercise, and the barriers that can prevent physical activity.

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