Continuity of care: a luxury or need?


LucÍa Almazán Sánchez and Derek Tracy appraise a new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry on continuity of care and clinical outcomes in the community for people with severe mental illness.

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Smoking cessation for people with severe mental illness? “Oh yes they can!” SCIMITAR+


David Shiers and Peter Byrne summarise the new SCIMITAR+ trial out today in The Lancet Psychiatry, which evaluates a bespoke smoking cessation intervention for people with severe mental illness.

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Is self-management ready for the mental health mainstream?


Josefien Breedvelt and Peter Coventry explore a new systematic review and meta-analysis of self-management interventions for people with severe mental illness.

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Open Dialogue: what’s the evidence?


Sameer Jauhar and colleagues critically assess the evidence for Open Dialogue, presented in a recent narrative review of quantitative and qualitative studies, which finds that most current studies are highly biased and of low quality, and there is an absence of clear data on effectiveness.

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Physical activity participation in severe mental illness: one step closer? #ClosingTheGapSMI


Suzan Hassan writes her debut elf blog on a recent research paper that highlights the factors associated with regular physical activity participation among people with severe mental illness.

Today sees the launch of the new Closing The Gap Network in York. Follow #ClosingTheGapSMI on Twitter for live updates throughout the day.

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Lifestyle training for schizophrenia: STEPWISE fails to make a difference


Ben Janaway writes his debut elf blog on the STEPWISE RCT which is out today in the British Journal of Psychiatry: Structured lifestyle education for people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and first-episode psychosis.

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Genetic predictors of depression trajectories in adolescence


Megan Skelton explores a study that uses polygenic scores in the context of longitudinal developmental data, to characterise developmental trajectories and the role of neuropsychiatric genetic risk variants in early-onset depression.

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Decision-making capacity of inpatients with schizophrenia: don’t assume people are incapable


Mental Health Masters Students from UCL summarise a recent cross-sectional study on the association of decision-making capacity for treatment and research in inpatients with schizophrenia and related psychoses.

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Physical health inequalities in primary care


Andy Bell from Centre for Mental Health and the Equally Well UK collaborative, calls for action in response to the Public Health England briefing on severe mental illness and physical health inequalities.

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Is the incidence of schizophrenia in South-East London really 10 times higher than in Santiago, Spain?


Vishal Bhavsar reviews an EU study of nearly 3,000 people across 6 EU countries, looking at the treated incidence of schizophrenia and psychotic disorders. It helps us better understand who gets psychosis, when, and where.

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