Endodontic treatment – single and multiple visits have similar outcomes


The over of systematic reviews comparing single and multiple visits endodontic treatments included 8 systematic reviews find no evidece to support significant differences between the two approaches.

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Single restorations on root filled posterior teeth


5 studies at high risk of bias were included in this review of the success of restoration in posterior root filled teeth findings suggest that the more tooth remaining teh better the treatment outcome.

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Endodontic postoperative pain: which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug?

Many drugs are licensed for use in Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), but it is unclear what works best.

The review of NSAIDs for endodontic postoperative pain suggests that NSAIDs are effective. A combination of ibuprofen 600 mg and acetaminophen 1000 mg and Ibuprofen 600 mg were both effective. More studies are need to assess teh most effective NSAIDs dosages and does intervals.

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Retrograde root filling: insufficient evidence for best material


The Cochrane review of of materials for retrograde root filling identified 6 RCTs all at high risk of bias. The trials provide insufficient evidence to draw any conclusion as to the benefits of any one material over another so more high quality studies are needed.

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Top Dental Elf Blogs of 2016


During 2016 the Dental Elves has published 158 blogs covering a broad range of topics. The most popular blogs of each month are highlighted.

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Root canal treatment: single or multiple visits?


This Cochrane review update included 25 RCTs comparing single verses multiple root canal treatment approaches. They found no evidence to suggest that one treatment regimen is better than the other.

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Endodontic retreatment: Surgical or non-surgical approach?

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20 RCTs are included in this Cochrane review update of endodontic retreatment. The available evidence is of low quality so further research is needed to understand the effects of surgical versus non-surgical approaches, and to determine which surgical procedures provide the best results.

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Root canal obturation-hot or cold?

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This randomised controlled trial compares root canal obturation with cold lateral condensation or thermafil after a period of two years. After that tiem no significant differences were demonstrated between the two approaches.

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Root canal treatment –patient age not a prognostic factor


This review of the outcome of root canal treatment in older adults included 24 studies (9 prospective, 15 retrospective) and suggests that outcomes are the same as in younger adults.

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