Online experiences: a risk factor for suicide?


Louise La Sala and Jo Robinson review a UK-wide case series study of young people who died by suicide, which explores their previous suicide-related online experiences.

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Multiracial young adults at higher risk of mental illness compared to their monoracial counterparts, according to US university research

Metaphor bipolar disorder mind mental. Double face. Split personality. Concept mood disorder. 2 Head silhouette.Psychology. Mental health. Dual personality concept. Tangle and untangle

Andie Ashdown summarises a cross-sectional study exploring mental health disparities between multiracial and monoracial young people in the United States.

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Suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives: urgent attention needed according to new systematic review


Ben Hannigan summarises a recent systematic review exploring the prevalence, risk factors and interventions for suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives.

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Stressed mums and depressed young ones: does parenting play a moderating role?


In her debut blog, Svenja Geissler reviews a Norwegian cohort study, which suggests that different parenting styles can strengthen or weaken the link between prenatal stress in mothers and depression or anxiety in their offspring.

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Does a diagnosis of severe physical illness elevate suicide risk?


Dona Matthews reviews a retrospective cohort study of 47 million people exploring the risk of suicide after diagnosis of severe physical illness, such as low-survival cancers, chronic ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and degenerative neurological conditions such as Huntington’s disease.

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Trauma transmission in the children of trauma-affected refugees: risk and protective factors


Theofanis Kyriacou & Andie Ashdown consider a systematic review of risk and protective factors for trauma transmission among trauma-affected refugees and their non-exposed children.

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Suicide risk among LGBTQ+ adolescents in Canada


Jess Williams examines a nationally representative population-based study on suicidality among sexual minority and transgender adolescents in Canada.

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Workplace discrimination and depression: new Danish workforce study explores the links


Olga Lainidi explores a prospective cohort study from Denmark, which establishes a relationship between workplace discrimination and the onset of a depressive disorder.

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Having a sense of purpose is associated with reduced loneliness


Heather McClelland explores a meta-analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal data, which found a strong association between having a sense of purpose in life and reduced feelings of loneliness.

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A human rights approach to integrating HIV and substance misuse services


Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou summarise a recent paper on integrating HIV and substance misuse services, which draws on a person-centred approach that is grounded in human rights.

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