Bipolar disorder, suicide and criminality


Elena Marcus summarises a double case-cohort study, which investigates the risk of suicide and criminal behaviours in people with bipolar disorder and their siblings, compared with the general population.

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Cyberbullying and mental health in young people


Elly O’Brien summarises a recent US survey of adolescents, which investigates the relationship between cyberbullying, mental health and substance use problems, and the moderating role of family dinners.

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Schizophrenia and osteoporosis: sticks and stones may break my bones…


Chris Pell summarises a recent meta-analysis of prevalence estimates and moderators of low bone mass in people with schizophrenia. The study finds a significantly increased risk of osteoporosis in people with schizophrenia.

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Are autism and ADHD associated with antidepressants or maternal depression? The debate continues…


Amy Green summarises a retrospective observational study that finds prenatal antidepressant exposure is associated with risk for ADHD, but not autistic spectrum disorders. She considers this complex topic and works out what it all means for pregnant women with depression.

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Cannabis use in young people linked with lower high school completion and degree attainment


André Tomlin and Douglas Badenoch voice a note of caution about the Lancet Psychiatry meta-analysis of cannabis use in young people. The study links cannabis use in children with low educational attainment, cannabis dependence, illicit drug use and suicide attempts in later life.

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People with mental illness are more likely to be victims of homicide than perpetrators of homicide


Dave Steele reports on a recent observational case series published in the Lancet Psychiatry, which concludes that patients with mental illness are two and a half times more likely to be victims of homicide than the general population.

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Antidepressants, safety warnings and suicide risk in young people


Andrew Shepherd reviews the recent controversial BMJ study that suggests the FDA black box warning about antidepressant use in young people, may have inadvertently caused an increase in suicidal behaviour. He finds it’s not quite that clear cut.

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Childhood abuse and adverse life events interact synergistically to produce a high risk for psychotic experiences


This recent study concludes that childhood abuse creates an enduring vulnerability to psychosis that is realised in the event of exposure to further stressors and risk factors, such as separation, bereavement, or being involved in an accident or physical attack.

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Preventing serious adverse outcomes in schizophrenia


People diagnosed with schizophrenia are 7.4 times more likely to be convicted of violent offences, 8.1 times more likely to die prematurely, and 20.7 times more likely to kill themselves.

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Passive smoking and periodontal disease- little evidence currently available of a link


The strong association between smoking and periodontal disease is known (Dental Elf 20th June 2014). However as non-smoking individuals exposed to environmental tobacco smoke (passive or second- hand smoking) are also know to be at risk of disease this review aimed to assess the association between environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and periodontal disease. Searches were [read the full story…]