What can genetics tell us about the link between cannabis and schizophrenia? #MHQT


Suzi Gage summarises a recent GWAS of lifetime cannabis use, which reveals new risk loci, genetic overlap with psychiatric traits, and a causal influence of schizophrenia. Interesting new evidence ahead of our Mental Health Question Time #MHQT event in London tomorrow.

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Integrated Motivational Volitional model of suicidal behaviour #WSPD18


Today Alexandra Pitman and Lisa Marzano help us understand the IMV model of suicidal behaviour; a comprehensive theoretical model of suicidal behaviour, which has recently been updated by Professor Rory O’Connor of the Glasgow University Suicide Research Laboratory.

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Inhaling evidence about tobacco and psychosis


Ian Hamilton explores a recent Finnish study of adolescent tobacco smoking and the risk of psychosis, which found that young people aged 15-16 who smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day were three times more likely to have psychosis by the time they reached age 30.

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Does self-harm in young people increase the risk of subsequent suicide?


Pooky Knightsmith picks apart a recent Swedish cohort study, which found that all youths presenting to a clinical setting with self-harm were at an elevated future risk of suicide.

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Parental homelessness linked to increased risk of mental illness in offspring


Dean Connolly explores a Danish register-based cohort study, which investigates the risk of mental health problems in offspring of parents with a history of homelessness during childhood and adolescence.

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Suicide risk following childhood interpersonal violence


Katrina Witt considers the findings of a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies, which looks at exposure to interpersonal violence in childhood, and the impact that it may have on risk of suicide in young people.

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Poorer cardiovascular screening, diagnosis and management if you have a mental illness


Joanne Wallace summarises a systematic review that highlights disparities in the management of cardiovascular risk factors in people with mental illness.

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Joint risks? Tobacco and cannabis and psychotic symptoms


James MacCabe appraises a recent study, which looks at the association of combined patterns of tobacco and cannabis use in adolescents who go on to experience psychotic symptoms.

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Persistent and severe postnatal depression predicts adverse outcomes in children


Sophie Graham and Jennifer Burgess explore the associations between persistent and severe postnatal depression in mothers and mental health and educational outcomes in their offspring.

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Chemsex: just dance or bad romance?


Dean Connolly presents the findings of a recent literature review on chemsex, which explores sexualised drug use in UK men who have sex with men.

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