Disclosing self-harm history: people’s attributes and risk factors


Holly Crudgington reviews a recent study from Manchester, which explores characteristics and risk of repetition in people who fail to report previous hospital presentations for self-harm.

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Risk factors for suicide in prison


In her debut blog, Alice Dawson summarises an updated systematic review on risk factors for suicide in prison. The strongest risk factors identified were suicidal ideation, previous suicide attempt, history of self-harm, single-cell occupancy, and current psychiatric diagnosis.

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Loneliness in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: All the lonely people, where [in Canada] do they all come from?


Heather McClelland reviews a recent study which explores who is most likely to experience loneliness in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Increased risk for physical illness in schizophrenia is not caused by genetic liability for the disorder: according to new data-linkage study


Dolly Sud appraises a recent data linkage study on the impact of schizophrenia genetic liability on the association between schizophrenia and physical illness.

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PTSD-related suicides can be prevented, but we have to act fast


Nada Abou Seif summarises a recent Swedish cohort study of 3.1 million people, which looks at suicide risk in people with post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Migration and the increased risk of compulsory psychiatric admission for psychosis


Zuva Dengu summarises a recent Swedish cohort study exploring migrant status and risk of compulsory admission at first diagnosis of psychotic disorder, which suggests that where you are from will influence your experience within psychiatric care.

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Blue Whale Challenge and suicide contagion


Holly Crudgington reviews a qualitative study that examines the self-harm and suicide contagion effects of the Blue Whale Challenge on YouTube and Twitter.

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Stigma and discrimination in people at risk of psychosis


Dave Steele explores a systematic review which finds that people who are at risk of psychosis are likely to experience stigma and discrimination.

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Violent behaviour by people diagnosed with psychosis: what is good evidence?


Vishal Bhavsar reviews a recent study examining correlates of future violent behaviour in people being treated for schizophrenia in US-based treatment centres.

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Assessing digital risk: a mixed-methods study assessing psychiatry trainee’s experiences, views and understanding


Georgie Parker reviews a mixed-methods study exploring psychiatry trainees understanding, experience of and competence assessing and managing digital risk.

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