This review of outcomes following rooth canal treatment in cracked teeth included 4 small retrospective cohort studies which suggested an overall survival of 84.1% at 60 months.
[read the full story...]This review of outcomes following rooth canal treatment in cracked teeth included 4 small retrospective cohort studies which suggested an overall survival of 84.1% at 60 months.
[read the full story...]3 small studies of limited quality were included in this review of changes in oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) after tooth replacement with resin-retained bridges. While the findings suggest significant improvement in OHRQoL the findings should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]In October, November and December out most popular blogs were on Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation, local anaesthesia for root canal treatment and long or short dental implants fro restoration of the posterior jaw.
[read the full story...]This review comparing outcomes between short (5-8 mm) and long implants (≥10 mm) with bone augmentation in the posterior jaw included 10 RCTs . The findings suggest no differences in outcomes at 1 year.
[read the full story...]Colin Levey takes a look at a systematic review assessing the 10-year survival of titanium roughened surface, solid screw dental implants in adults. 4 RCTs and 14 prospective studies) were included traditional analysis and sensitivity analysis taking into account missing data was conducted providing a more conservative estimate of survival and a broader prediction interval.
[read the full story...]This review evaluating the presence or absence of a ferrule influences the failure rate in fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) post-and-core restorations included 4 studies. While the findings indicate no differences in failure rates between restoration with and with out a ferrule the quality of the evidence is low.
[read the full story...]This review of the success rate of partial pulpotomy in treating permanent posterior teeth with carious vital pulp exposure included 11 studies 5 of which are RCTs. The findings suggest that partial pulpotomy is a reliable treatment option.
[read the full story...]This review of different pulpotomy dressing agents for pulpotomy treatment in immature permanent teeth. While the review suggested that the various agents tested had similar success rates the findings should be viewed cautiously as all the studies were at high risk of bias.
[read the full story...]This review of risk predictors of root caries was based on 16 cohorts. The findings suggest a number of risk predictors but only 4 of the included studies were considered to be of high quality.
[read the full story...]This review looked at the efficacy of immediate loading versus early or conventional loading implants in patients rehabilitated with fixed prostheses. It included 39 RCTs suggesting little difference between the loading strategies.
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