Antibiotic prophylaxis and dental implant failure

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This review of antibiotic prophylaxis during dental implant placement considered both systematic reviews and RCTs. Evidence from the 10 included RCTs suggests a small reduction (2%) in the risk of implant loss. These results are similar to a recent Cochrane review.

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Posterior resin restorations: high survival at 4 years

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This review of 8 studies involving 910 posterior resin restorations in 420 patients found a survival rate at 4 years = 0.93 (95% CI; 0.91- 0.95). However, the overall quality of the evidence was low.

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Dental Implants placed in fresh sockets have poorer survival


This review included 44 studies involving a total of 1170 patients and 1974 implants finding significant better outcome in favour of the implants placed in healed ridges (99.4% implant survival) compared with post-extraction implants (95.6% implant survival).

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Caries removal with a chemo mechanical system effective


10 studies of limited quality were included in this review and they suggest that there is no difference in complete caries removal with chemo-mechanical systems and rotary instruments. While chemo-mechanical removal was less painful, it took longer to carry out.

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Lateral occlusion schemes: review suggests no difference


26 studies were included in this review of lateral occlusion schemes. The findings suggest that while there are immediate differences between the different lateral occlusion schemes, patients have the capability to successfully adapt to canine-guided or group function occlusion.

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Alveolar ridge preservation: limited evidence for current techniques


This Cochrane review identified 8 RCTs of alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) techniques. They provide limited evidence that ARP minimises overall changes in residual ridge height and width six months after extraction.

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Direct pulp capping in permanent teeth more successful with MTA


This review compared direct pulp capping in permanent teeth with MTA and calcium hydroxide including 13 studies, 10 of which were RCTs. The odds of success were higher with MTA, OR = 2.26; (95% CI, 1.33–3.85).

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Dental implants: smokers have poorer outcomes suggests review


This review of the impact of smoking on dental implants had broad inclusion criteria and included 107 studies. The findings suggest smoking affects implant failure rates, incidence of postoperative infections, as well as the marginal bone loss.

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Cervical composite resin restorations: bevel or not?


The number of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) that will require management in the future is expected to increase. This review was only able to identify 4 RCTs looking at whether bevelling the enamel margin improves retention, so there is limited evidence for the clinician.

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Peri-implantitis: lack of clarity on best self-management options


This review identified 11 small trials looking at self-management options for peri-implant disease. The quality of the available evidence for the best management strategies for peri-implant mucositis is limited at present.

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