This review to assess if surgical crown lengthening produces stable clinical outcomes only identified 5 small trials all at high risk of bias
[read the full story...]This review to assess if surgical crown lengthening produces stable clinical outcomes only identified 5 small trials all at high risk of bias
[read the full story...]17 studies, none of which were at low risk of bias, were included in this review of the effect of type of instrumentation on post endodontic pain. The findings suggest lower incidence and intensity of postoperative pain with rotary instruments compared to hand files.
[read the full story...]22 RCTs were included in this review of the influence of the monomer HEMA in the formulation of dental adhesive systems suggests that HEMA-free adhesive systems do not have better clinical performance of the non-carious cervical lesion restorations than HEMA-containing systems.
[read the full story...]This review of tooth fragment reattachment techniques included only 5 small observational studies involving a total of 246 teeth providing limited evidence for these techniques.
[read the full story...]This review of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) included 152 observational studies providing an estimate of global prevalence of TDIs in permanent teeth of 15.2% (95%CI, 13.0%-17.4%)
[read the full story...]This review of composite resin or glass ionomer cement for Class II restorations in primary molars included 10 RCTSs finding similar clinical performance.
[read the full story...]This review of surgical treatments for peri-implantitis included 16 studies, 9 of which were randomised trials providing limited evidence to suggest which methods are the most effective.
[read the full story...]3 caries management options [conventional restorations (CR), the hall technique (HT), and non-restorative caries treatment (NRCT)] were investigated in this RCT. A 93% success rate was seen for the HT at 2.5 years compares with 70% for NRCT and 67% for CR.
[read the full story...]Kenny Strain takes a look at this recent review of flowable composite use in non-carious cervical lesions. 8 small RCTs of low quality were included with the authors suggesting flowable composites have improved marginal adaptation at 1 and 3 years.
[read the full story...]This network meta-analysis of oral premedication to improve anaesthetic success of inferior alveolar nerve block in patients with irreversible pulpitis suggest that that oral premedication with dexamethasone, NSAIDs and Tramadol increases the success rate.
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