Hormonal coil dosage and depression risk


Dr Rachel Reid-McCann discusses the latest research on dosage of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) and the risk of depression. A well conducted study from Denmark “provides evidence of a dose-dependent association between LNG exposure and risk of subsequent depression across three dosages”.

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Brief interpersonal therapy may help relieve maternal depression during pregnancy

a pregnant woman in a grey top makes a heart shape with her hands over her pregnancy bump

In this blog, Francesca Kingston summaries a clinical trial from the US Care Project, which investigated whether depression can be reduced during pregnancy and before birth using a brief, safe intervention.

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Psychoeducation for perinatal depression and anxiety in young people #ActiveIngredientsMH


In their debut blog, Wezi Mhango & Darya Gaysina explore psychoeducation as an active ingredient that might help young people who are affected by perinatal anxiety or depression.

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Staff attitudes to reproductive health of women with learning disabilities suggests need for further training


Whilst there is a developing literature relating to attitudes to sexuality in people with learning disabilities, there is very little in the published literature about their reproductive health. The researchers in this study set out to look at the attitudes of caregivers and to look in more detail at what things determine gynaecological health in [read the full story…]