Cochrane Protocols December 2013


Shortly before Christmas two new protocols for Cochrane review from the Oral Health Group appeared on the Cochrane Library. The first one is:- Taylor J, Brocklehurst P, Glenny AM, Walsh T, Tickle M, Lewis MA, Riley P, Yates JM, Pemberton MN. Topical interventions for recurrent aphthous stomatitis (mouth ulcers) (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [read the full story…]

Study shows that berberine had a positive effect on recurrent aphthous ulceration


Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is usually episodic and self-limiting but can produce severe ulcers that interfere with eating speaking and swallowing.  Minor RAS  (MiRAS) is the most common form.  The aim of this trial was to investigate the efficacy and safety of berberine (an isoquinoline alkaloid originally isolated from medicinal herbs) in the treatment of [read the full story…]

No single systemic treatment was found to be effective for treatment of mouth ulcers

Logo of The Cochrane Collaboration

The prevalence of mouth ulcers (recurrent aphthous stomatitis , RAS) has been estimated at between 5 – 60%. They can be painful and slow to heal.  There are three recognized forms; minor, major and herpetiform.  The peak age at onset is between 10 and 19 years of age but they can persist through adulthood. The [read the full story…]