James Smith summarises a rapid realist review of complex interventions for aggressive challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disability.
[read the full story...]Interventions to improve social circumstances among people with mental health conditions
Andy Bell summarises work by the Mental Health Policy and Research Unit looking at improving the social circumstances of people with mental health conditions. The study finds the most robust and compelling evidence available relates to gaining paid employment and tackling homelessness.
[read the full story...]Play in the pandemic
Helen Dodd summarises a recent rapid review of the impact of quarantine and restricted environments on children’s play and health outcomes.
[read the full story...]Quarantine: infection prevention, but at what cost for mental health?
As the COVID-19 lockdown enters its second week in the UK, Matthew Iveson and Andrew McIntosh consider the psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it.
[read the full story...]Involving and engaging forensic service users in the research process
Laura Hemming summarises a literature review of how best to involve forensic service users in research, which highlights a number of issues specific to the forensic setting.
[read the full story...]Integrated care for the physical health of people with severe mental illness: no easy answers
Liz Hughes summarises a recent rapid review on integrated care to address the physical health needs of people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]