Focal psychodynamic therapy or CBT vs optimised treatment as usual in outpatients with anorexia


Anorexia nervosa has long been known to have a poor prognosis and few effective treatments are available (Kaplan and Garfinkel, 1999). Research in this area is limited, particularly in regards to evidence-based guidance.  The NICE eating disorders guidance (2004) is in need of an update, although there is a more recently produced care pathway. Other [read the full story…]

Long term maintenance treatment with antipsychotics: a cautionary note from recent research


The support of individuals with experience of psychosis is complex and relies on a combination of psychopharmacology (antipsychotic drugs), psychological therapies and social interventions. Antipsychotics will often be the first line treatment offered, with the intention of reducing psychotic symptom burden. Following the resolution of immediate symptoms the role of antipsychotics becomes less clear; should [read the full story…]

RCT compares two different versions of enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy for anorexia nervosa in an inpatient setting


A general misconception about anorexia is that it’s just about eating and ‘being thin’, but it’s more complex than that. The illness affects multiple aspects of a person’s life, and often goes hand in hand with other psychological issues such as low mood, or excessive worry. In addition, the jury is still out on the exact [read the full story…]

Cognitive therapy is a non-stigmatising intervention for people at risk of psychosis


Criteria to identify subgroups experiencing an at-risk mental state (ARMS) have been developed and are widely adopted internationally, but this has fueled recent debates about unintended stigmatising consequences of identifying and providing treatment to people at risk of psychosis. While the Early Detection and Intervention Evaluation 2 (EDIE-2) trial has shown that cognitive therapy (CT) [read the full story…]

Counselling is as effective as CBT for depression, according to a reanalysis of RCT data

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In recent years, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has become the most widely delivered therapy for depression within the NHS.  CBT interventions are recommended by NICE for people with mild, moderate and severe depression. By contrast, recent NICE guidelines recommend counselling only for people with persistent subthreshold depressive symptoms or mild to moderate depression who decline another [read the full story…]

D-cycloserine does not improve CBT for social anxiety disorder, but may accelerate early treatment gains


Clinical trials in the field of social anxiety to date have primarily focussed on the effect of either anxiolytic medication or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). At best these trials have demonstrated only moderate efficacy for either treatment independently (Davidson et al, 2004; Clark et al, 2003; Heimberg et al, 1998; Stein et al, 1998), and [read the full story…]

Largest RCT so far suggests that ketamine may be useful in the acute treatment of refractory depression


Major depression is a serious mental illness that often does not respond to mainstream drug treatment (antidepressants). In addition, there is usually a delay of 2-6 weeks before mood improves significantly. In situations like this, when at least two conventional antidepressants have been tried without success, depression is considered treatment-resistant. While multiple different strategies to [read the full story…]

Is gabapentin a promising drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence?


Alcohol misuse is responsible for about 4% of all deaths annually, and in the UK it costs the NHS more than £3 billion per year.  A number of medications are currently licensed for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Unfortunately the medications don’t work for everyone and in the USA at least, fewer than 10% of [read the full story…]

‘Beating the Blues’ intervention shows promise for reducing depression and improving quality of life in older African Americans


This paper reports the findings of a study exploring a new approach to treating the symptoms of depression in older African Americans. This a group of the population with very high levels of general health care needs – the result of a combination of factors including the USA’s political and social history but also modern [read the full story…]

If I pay you, will you have your injection?


Getting patients to take their medication as prescribed is notoriously difficult. Regardless of condition only about 50% of patients adhere to prescribed regimes. This is particularly the case in chronic or complex conditions worldwide and improving this problem has the potential to save considerable health burden and costs. Adherence in mental health is no different. [read the full story…]