Ioana Cristea disputes the claims of a recent proof-of-concept RCT, which aims to prevent intrusive memories after trauma via a brief intervention involving Tetris computer game play in the emergency department.
[read the full story...]Guided self help and cCBT for OCD: OCTET finds low adherence and uncertain fidelity
Alan Underwood reports on the new OCTET trial published last week, which fails to find any support for the use of low-intensity guided self-help or computerised CBT for people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
[read the full story...]Turn on, tune in, drop out! Music therapy no better than usual care for young people
Lisa Burscheidt is rather disappointed by a randomised controlled trial of music therapy for children and adolescents with behavioural and emotional problems.
[read the full story...]Depression in later life: who benefits most from antidepressants plus exercise?
Linda Gask explores an RCT of physical exercise for depression in later life, which considers the best way to customise the intervention for primary care.
[read the full story...]Exercise and iCBT for depression: how do ‘alternative’ treatments compare to usual care?
Bethan Davies publishes her debut blog on a recent Swedish RCT of exercise and internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression.
[read the full story...]Diet and depression: can we eat our way out of clinical depression? The ‘SMILES’ trial
Murtada Alsaif chews over the SMILES RCT of dietary improvement for adults with major depression, which reports encouraging results for healthy diet in people with depression.
[read the full story...]Targeting unhelpful repetitive negative thinking in young people to prevent anxiety and depression
Michelle Moulds publishes her debut blog on a recent randomised controlled trial about the prevention of anxiety disorders and depression by targeting excessive worry, rumination and repetitive negative thinking in young adults.
[read the full story...]Collaborative care may help older adults with subthreshold depression: CASPER trial
Ben Hannigan summarises the new CASPER trial of collaborative care versus usual care for older adults with subthreshold depression.
[read the full story...]Psychotherapies for depression in children and adolescents: all of equal IMPACT?
Jasmin Wertz summarises the recently published IMPACT trial, which found that CBT, short-term psychoanalytical psychotherapy and brief psychosocial interventions (psychoeducation) were all equally effective in treating depression in children and young people.
[read the full story...]Omega-3 fatty acids to prevent psychosis: the importance of replication (NEURAPRO trial)
Raphael Underwood summarises the NEURAPRO trial, which concludes that Omega-3 fatty acids are no better than placebo at preventing transition to psychosis in young people at ultrahigh risk for psychotic disorders.
[read the full story...]