Omega-3 supplements for the prevention of psychosis: another trial shows no benefit, so is it time to move on?


David Mongan reports on a recent trial of omega-3 supplementation for the prevention of psychosis in people at ultra-high risk, which finds no evidence of a positive effect. He reflects on these findings and considers what’s next for the field.

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KarXT: an innovative and promising treatment for schizophrenia

Hands holding paper head, human brain with flowers, self care and mental health concept, positive thinking, creative mind

Nicola Rizzo Pesci and Andrea Cipriani summarise findings from the EMERGENT-2 trial spotlighting a promising new drug treatment for schizophrenia.

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ACT now for MND: acceptance and commitment therapy can improve quality of life for people with motor neuron disease

Acceptance and commitment therapy. Torn dark paper and speech bubble.

Dona Matthews summarises a recent trial which suggests that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can maintain or improve quality of life for people with early stage motor neuron disease.

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Can self help apps PROMOTE wellbeing or PREVENT illness in young adults?

Person holding phone

Kirsten Lawson summarises the ECoWeB PROMOTE and PREVENT trials in relation to self-helps apps for promoting wellbeing and preventing mental ill health among young adults.

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Apps for depression and anxiety: big new meta-analysis supports effectiveness


In their debut blog, Lee Valentine summarises a large-scale updated meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of mental health apps for depression and anxiety.

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Is my depression the same as your depression? Network analysis finds individual variation in how symptoms aggravate each other over time


Giulia Piazza and Jonathan Roiser explore a recent network analysis and ecological momentary assessment study, which provides clear evidence that the relationships between depressive symptoms vary between individuals with depression who are matched on overall depression severity.

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Predicting antidepressant response using artificial intelligence


Holly Fraser discusses new findings on whether and how we can predict antidepressant response using artificial intelligence.

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Digital self-help for bulimia recovery: encouraging results for waiting list management


In her debut blog, Ana Julia Ferreira summarises a randomised controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of a digital self-help intervention for improving bulimic-spectrum disorder symptomatology while on a treatment waiting list.

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The great unknown? Assessing suicide risk in trials of psychological interventions for depression

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Derek de Beurs explores a meta-analysis which finds that randomised controlled trials of psychological interventions for depression rarely report assessments of suicide.

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Digitally augmented CBT for child anxiety is more efficient and no less effective than typical parent-led CBT


Helen Dodd summarises a recent non-inferiority randomised controlled trial led by Cathy Creswell, which investigated the effectiveness of digitally augmented parent-led CBT for child anxiety.

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